Dowry tray
Iraqis are distinguished by some special customs and traditions in weddings, such as the presence of a Chinese dowry, which represents one of the traditions that the Iraqis make on the day of the marriage ceremony, and that is by placing it on a special table for the groom, and it contains specific components that people have inherited through generations, and some may offer another Chinese Next to it is called Al Attar's tray, which contains seven types of white food symbolizing purity.
Components of the dowry tray
The marriage ceremony begins as soon as the sheik or the authorized marriage officer enters the place, while the bride sits behind the table on which the dowry tray is placed with traditional ornate pieces that are dominated by silver and white colors, and each of them has a symbol with a special meaning, as the dowry tray contains the following:
A mirror made of silver, which symbolizes clarity.
Bowls filled with white sweets, sugar, and biscuits, symbolizing good fortune, purity, and happy future life.
The Holy Quran; This is to add a blessing to the place and the newlyweds.
The traditional tablecloth, which is passed down by individuals from one generation to the next, indicates the unity of the family. It is also made of an embroidered piece of cloth called "tarah".
Some types of fruit, usually pomegranate and red apple are added; This symbolizes the happy life of the newlyweds. The decorated basket contains almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, and wheat. A cup of rose water extracted from Persian roses; To perfume the air.
A distinctively shaped box filled with gold coins and crystals.
A cup of honey, which symbolizes sweetening the newlyweds' lives.
Miz Dowry party traditions
Iraqi weddings are distinguished by their association with the number seven. Because it is a distinctive number in many religions, and indicates the number of celebrations that take place before the wedding ceremony, and is characterized by the rituals and traditions carried out by the bride and their family:
A ceremony is held two days before the wedding, and the formal marriage contract is signed between the bride and groom in the presence of the imam, after which the newlyweds head towards the sunrise.
Decorating the table where the newlyweds sit in a traditional way that includes a mirror, the Holy Quran, and other traditional decorative tools
Reading certain verses from the Holy Quran.
Signing the marriage contract, after announcing the consent of the two parties, then family members and guests congratulate the newlyweds, after which a delicious dinner is served to the guests.
A traditional Iraqi dance segment.
The bride bids farewell to the guests after the party ends, and offers them a bowl full of sweets and cakes before they leave.
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